global adj. 1.球面的,球状的;全球的。 2.世界的。 3.总体的,普遍的,综合的。 take a nonstop global flight 作一次环绕世界一周的不着陆飞行。 a global system of communication 全球通信系统。 the global consciousness全球意识。 a globalwar 一场全球战争。 the global sum 总计 (= total sum). adv. -ly
education n. 1.教育;训导;培养。 2.教育学,教授法。 3.(蜜蜂、蚕等的)饲养;(动物等的)训练。 elementary [secondary, higher] education 初等[中等、高等]教育。 general education 普通教育。 get [receive] a medical education 受医学教育。 moral [intellectu-al, physical] education 德[智、体]育。 professional education 专[职]业教育。
Topic : " global education and the development of uiw 论坛会所邀请到的演讲人包括:
Predicament and outlet : global education and international understanding education 教育和国际理解教育
On the challenges of global education towards multicultural education in america 全球化教育对美国多元文化教育的冲击
Hku professor moves to unesco to meet the challenges of global education 港大教授前赴联合国教科文组织履新迎接全球教育议题的挑战
Constructionism has extensively and substantially influenced the global education , teaching theory and practice 摘要近年来,建构主义对教学理论与实践产生了越来越广泛而深刻的影响。
These powerful and influential thoughts have been destroying the conventional education harms , guiding the development of global education 这三大思潮势大力沉,荡涤了传统教育的痼疾弊病,引领了全球教育的发展走势。
The new york state regents ' goal for global education , which has also been taken up by multiculturalists , makes some of these problems very clear 纽约州董事的关于全球教育的目标使目前的一些问题变得明朗化了,这种全球化教育也被多种文化所占据一部分。
You are invited to talk about why you think it is important for youth to participate in programs global education programs like doors to diplomacy and international schools cyberfair 我们邀请您来分享您对年轻人参予外交之门与国际网界博览会等国际教育活动的重要性。
[ size = 3 ] [ / size ] [ size = 3 ] [ font = arial ] 1 , the new york state regents ' goal for global education , which has also been taken up by multiculturalists , makes some of these problems very clear 纽约州董事的关于全球教育的目标使目前的一些问题变得明朗化了,这种全球化教育也被多种文化所占据一部分。